
Playful kiss Making film

Greeting from ME !!

huaa…. Long time no see guys. i miss to write everything in this blog. More than  a year i don’t write anything..hahha… do you miss me???hiihih….

These day i’m so busy wit college.. that’s really kill me.. My major is accounting.. UHHHH….accounting is really2 hard, everyday i see a lot of number.. my eyes kinda hurt wit that boring number!!! and for you guys want to take accounting, i suggest that you must think hard for that decision.kkk….

enough about me.. i shocked that everyday almost 50 person see my blog although i dont write anything. so thank you guys.. and than from today i will try to update this blog. i hope yo guys happy.. (or no?:p) i hope you like it!!:)

and  my english is not too good, so sorry if my english is weird.hope you guys understand..


Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Lanjut Baca »

video: urasiansourceKpop

Wah, seung gi mang paling qren. MV y menurut gw bagus,gmn gt.. Selamat melihat d,di jamin bgus.^^

thx to OfficialTwilightFilm for the video.

Hanya untuk selingan bagi kalian pecinta twilight series (atau Edward!=)), gw akan kasih trailer dari new moon.ow, bnr” gk sabar banget nunggu ni film tayang. Harus sabar sampai tanggal 20/11/09..^^

Finally my oppa (ngarep!) mengeluarkan album ke 4 nya ” SHADOW“. Di album ini berisi 10 track.. Seung Gi akan comeback di Music Bank tanggal 18 sept..  Pertama akan gw tampilin MV teaser dari single  우리헤어지자 (Let’s Break Up).

Untuk semua mp3 kalian bisa denger disini..

thx to bedifferent2 for the video.

2pm Jay..


Mungkin sebagian dari kalian sudah tau kalau leader dr 2pm ni dikatakan sudah keluar dari grupnya 2pm. Disini saya tidak akan menulis dengan detil ceritanya, yang saya yakin kalian semua ud tau, jadi saya hanya akan menulis tentang pendapat saya sendiri.

Tidak menyangka banget kalau gara” Jay ( gw lbih suka nulis ato ngomong nama dia Jay di banding Jae Bum,bkn gara” lbih gampang disebut ato nulisnya,tp lbih gmn gt.haha..)  nulis d blog ya tentang orang Korea. Dan itu tu ud bbrp tahun yang lalu,yg saya pertanyain knp baru adanya sekarang? Lagian juga dy nulis itu pada saat masih training dan juga mungkin dy masih beradaptasi dengan budaya Korea.. Sangat menyayangkan bgt leader yg mnrt gw qren ni ( no 1 tetep U-KNOW.^^) harus keluar dan balik lagi k Seattle. Sedi banget pas baca, padahal kan 2pm mau keluarin album baru.hua… Ya mungkin ini semua yg terbaik, dan Jay di berikan ketabahan..

Ok,itu hanya pendapat saya loh.Pendapat kalian gimana? Akhir kata JAY OPPA FIGHTING!! 2PM Saranghae ..=)

Lee Min Ho kissed Dara

Telah gw tulis sebelumnya kalau lee min ho akan tampil d CASS CF bersama Dara (2NE1).. Dan ternyata ad adegan KISS y.aw..cek foto y..^^



New style for lee min ho?i hope not.karena gw gak suka,aku suka dgn gaya casualnya.. Menanti cf y..

normal_6336_1195662895103_1334371230_31083611_1520966_nYG Entertainment has revealed that Sandara Park will be coming out with her own solo digital single named “Kiss!”.. With 2NE1 scoring success with their song “I Don’t Care,” they have been working hard on the rest of the songs they will be performing in the upcoming months. Dara’s solo song named “Kiss,” was originally planned to be included in the new 2NE1 album due in October. “Kiss” is written by no other than Teddy himself, who composed most of the 2NE1’s songs.

There were recent talks about Park Bom or CL releasing their own solos in the near future, but YG Entertainment caught us off guard by announcing a solo song for Dara before the other members. The song is said to be very catchy and danceable, just like “Lollipop,” and it is to have CL featured as a rapper. It’s pretty much about a girl wanting the guy to be more aggressive, and wanting him to kiss her. Lanjut Baca »